Catering equipment repairs
Our company’s main activity is catering equipment repairs. We perform repairs for all types of catering equipment regardless of make and model.
Also we realize and total reconditioning of equipment recuperte or scrapped. Electrodomestice sell a wide range of both commercial waste as well as us.
Catering equipment repairs Reliz it with a team of engineers with a highly trained and with a huge experience.
Our motto is to oferin service catering equipment repairs at an affordable price and highest quality.
We further recommend every client is fully satisfied with the quality and price of repairs.
Quickly resolve any emergency and provide customers during repair similar equipment to use in order to minimize losses caused by equipment failure.
To be able to quickly repair any damage problem we have in stock a wide and diverse range of replacement parts. We use only new parts manufacturing controlled to provide a long life of your equipment.
We offer an emergency service 24 hours but without emergency tax.