Catering engineers
Catering engineers have as a profession basic repairs, maintenance services and equipment that powers the kitchens of restaurants, hotels, canteens, hospitals and churches, must have a high level of professional training and a wide collateral skils.
Catring engineers must achieve both repair damaged equipment as well as to ensure the safety of its use in terms of the law on labor protection.
Special attention should be given if equipment operating with natural gas after repair should be checked if there are gas leaks and if combustion is adjusted correctly and Co and CO2 emissions are within the limits allowed by regulations. After repair of such equipment catering engineers must enclose sheet bill payment combustion measurements and certification of repair.
Everyone may not cotracteze caterig engineers to execute repair equipment caterig not authorized to do so and who are equipped with approved equipment for analysis of combustion and gas leaks.
The distribution of refrigeration equipment in catering engineers have the obligation not charged with refrigerant gas without gas found no equipment without prior detection of gas leaks using for this nitrogen + hydrogen and leak detector for combustible gases (hydrogen). Gas leak only after solving this equipment can be recharged with refrigerant gas. If the client does not want to solve the gas leak catering engineers have no right to upload and gas equipment are obliged to inform the customer and the company’s inability to use this equipment and to recharge.
For each catering engineers repair bill should specify in repair materials used, their price, working time and its value, the warranty period repair.
If the payment was made in cash catering engineers must specify the catering service was paid invoice and payment form.
Customers must recognize not receive payment in exchange farav validate a bill that must be specified guarantee period so conducted as well as the value of their service execution date and signature catering engineers and his name written in clear.